Coronavirus & Nevada Lodge State Communication

Coronavirus & Nevada Lodge State Communication

We have received several messages and emails this last week concerning the coronavirus and whether or not Lodge this Saturday will be cancelled. We know several lodges have cancelled their meetings and others have not. The Scottish Rite has cancelled their regular events for the rest of the month. Schools are closing and offices are admonishing their employees to work from home as a precaution. However, the Grand Lodge of Colorado has not issued a statement on the coronavirus, so it is up to the lodges themselves to determine what they want to do at this time. But be prepared, in the event the epidemic gets worse, to see Lodge cancellations.

At this time, seeing that the disease is still fairly new in Colorado and has not been spreading here as quickly as elsewhere, the Worshipful Master will not be cancelling Lodge. We will still be meeting in Idaho Springs this Saturday. That said, please be cautious and use some reasoning in your future plans. If you are sick, do not come to Lodge. If you are worried that attending Lodge may be unsafe, the Lodge respects your decision in protecting your personal well-being. The Worshipful Master plans on discussing this epidemic in Lodge, have some contingency plans, and consider what is best for the members and the Lodge.

Please follow updates from the CDC to make informed decisions. Wash your hands regularly; be cautious in large crowds or avoid them if possible; avoid touching your mouth, nose, and eyes; and monitor your symptoms. Please know the difference between symptoms of coronavirus, flu, and allergies. Please respect another brother's personal space and do not be offended if they do not want to shake hands. Did we mention to wash your hands? Wash your hands!

We are fortunate that this time of year is more planning time for the Lodge, as our big events are in the summer. We hope everyone stays safe and stays healthy. Si vale tum valeo.

David Hoffman, Worshipful Master
Patrick M. Dey, Secretary

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